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Enterprise Architect

Introduction and Concepts

The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture
The Benefits of Having an Enterprise Architecture
A Framework for Enterprise Architecture
Architecture Domains
Architecture Abstraction in Enterprise Architecture
The Enterprise Continuum
The Architecture Repository
The TOGAF® Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel
Architecture Capability
Risk Management
Gap Analysis
Practice Test

Introduction to the ADM Phases

The TOGAF® ADM and its Phases
“Draft” and “Approved” Deliverables
Iteration and the ADM
Governing the Creation, Development, and Maintenance of Enterprise Architecture
How to Scope an Architecture
Architecture Alternatives, Concerns, and Trade-Off
Purpose: Preliminary Phase
Objectives: Preliminary Phase
Purpose: Phase A
Objectives: Phase A
Purpose: Phases B, C, and D
Objectives: Phase B
Objectives: Phase C: Data Architecture and Application Architecture
Objectives: Phase D
Purpose: Phase E
Objectives: Phase E
Purpose: Phase F
Objectives: Phase F
Purpose: Phase G
Objectives: Phase G
Purpose: Phase H
Objectives: Phase H
Objectives: Requirements Management
Purpose: Requirements Management
Information Flow Between ADM Phases
How Developing Architecture can be Applied to Support Agile Software Development

Introduction to ADM Techniques

How the ADM and Supporting Guidelines and Techniques Relate to Each Other
Purpose: Architecture Principles
Template for Architecture Principles
What Makes a Good Architecture Principle
Business Scenarios
The Purpose of Gap Analysis
Business Transformation Readiness Assessment
Risk Management and the TOGAF® ADM

Introduction to Applying the ADM

How to Apply the TOGAF® Standard
Iteration and the ADM
The Three Levels of the Architecture Landscape
Partitioning to Simplify the Development of an Enterprise Architecture
Purpose-Based Architecture Projects
Applying the TOGAF® Standard to Support the Digital Enterprise

Introduction to Architecture Governance

Architecture Governance
Why Architecture Governance is Beneficial
The Role of an Architecture Board and its Responsibilities
Architecture Contracts
Architecture Compliance

Architecture Content

Key Concepts: Stakeholders, Concerns, Architecture Views, Architecture Viewpoints, and their Relationships
Building Blocks and the ADM
The TOGAF® Standard Deliverables Created and Consumed in the TOGAF® ADM Phases

The Context for Enterprise Architecture

Guiding Effective Change: The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture
What does an Enterprise Architecture look like?
Architecture Capability
Architecture Governance and the role of an Enterprise Architect
Architecture Compliance, Levels of Conformance, Reviews, and the Role of the Architect
How an Architecture enables alignment to Organizational Objectives using Agile development as an example
The need to Manage Multiple Architecture States
Enterprise Security Architecture
Security, a Cross-Cutting Concern
Managing Uncertainty in order to optimize Maximum Business Benefit and Minimum Business Loss
The Enterprise Architect and Enterprise Architecture in a Digital Enterprise

Stakeholder Management

How to identify Stakeholders, their Concerns, Views, and the Communication involved
The use of Architecture Views
Stakeholder Engagement and Requirements Management
Using Trade-off to Support Architecture development

Phase A, the Starting Point

Information necessary to execute the Architecture Vision phase
How to apply Phase A and how it contributes to Architecture Development Work
Security-specific Architecture Design that is sufficient — Phase A
Outputs necessary to proceed with the Architecture Development

Architecture Development

Steps applicable to all ADM Phases
Risk and Security considerations during the Architecture Development (ADM Phases B to D)
Relevant Information to produce outputs valuable to the Architecture Development
How to apply Phases B, C, and D, and how they contribute to the Architecture Development work
Information relevant to Phase C (Data and Applications) to produce outputs for the Architecture Development
Information needed in Phase D to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development
Outputs of Phases B, C, and D necessary to proceed with the Architecture Development work

Implementing the Architecture

Risk and Security considerations for Phases E, F, and G
Steps (Phase E) to create the Implementation and Migration Strategy
Basic Approaches to Implementation
Identifying and Grouping Work Packages
Creating and Documenting Transition Architectures
The Impact of Migration Projects on the Organization and the Coordination Required
Why and how Business Value is assigned to each Work Package
How to Prioritize the Migration Projects (Phase F)
Confirm the Architecture Roadmap (Phase F)
The outputs of Phase F necessary to Proceed with the Architecture Implementation
Inputs to Phase G Implementation Governance
How Implementation Governance is executed (Phase G)
Outputs to support Architecture Governance
How Architecture Contracts are used to communicate with Implementers

Architecture Change Management

Inputs triggering Change Management — Change Requests
Activities necessary for effective Change Management (Stakeholder Management)
Outputs relevant to proceed with a Change

Requirements Management

The inputs that feed the Requirements Management Phase
How the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM Phase Steps
The Purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management

Supporting the ADM Work

How The Open Group TOGAF® Library can be used to support the Practitioner’s Work
Business Scenarios
The purpose of Compliance Assessments
How Migration Planning techniques are used to review and consolidate the Gap Analysis results from earlier Phases
How a Repository can be structured using the TOGAF® Architecture Repository as an example
What to expect in a well-run Architecture Repository
How the concepts of Architecture Levels are used to organize the Architecture Landscape
Different Levels of Architecture that exist in an organization
Determining the Level that an Architecture is being Developed at
The Role of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs)
Guidelines and Techniques for Business Architecture
Applying Gap Analysis
How Iteration can be used in Architecture Practices
How the Implementation Factor Catalog can be used
The Content Framework and the Enterprise Metamodel
When the Architecture Content Framework (ACF) needs to be filled throughout the ADM Cycles
Using an Enterprise Metamodel
Using a Taxonomy
How Risk Assessment can be used